Author  President Susan Rounds

It was with a feeling of relief that I turned the page in my calendar from December 2020 to January 2021. Last year was a very difficult year for many reasons. We all had to learn how to be alone in some new ways, as well as the usual ones, and the light at the end of the tunnel still seemed so far away. And yet, in spite of all the difficulty, I did not have to look far for inspiration and hope. In the midst of a devastating pandemic, many people worked unselfishly to support others and do the work that had to be done– front-line health care workers, postal workers, grocery clerks, trash collectors, and many, many more.

At DRBU we found ways to connect in spite of our isolation, and to work together to maintain the heart of our community. Classes and administrative work have continued, although in altered forms, as we connect around the world on Zoom screens. As I reflected on how all of us–students, faculty, and staff–are managing to support each other and keep our important work flourishing, I came across this lovely translation from the TaoTeChing, which I share here with the kind permission of the translator, Bill Porter.

The best are like water
bringing help to all
without competing
choosing what others avoid
they thus approach the Tao
dwelling with earth
thinking with depth
helping with kindness
speaking with honesty
governing with peace
working with skill
and moving with time
and because they don’t compete
they aren’t maligned

As we begin this new year, my wish for all of us is that our spirits are renewed by “helping with kindness, speaking with honesty, governing with peace, working with skill, and moving with time.”

Sue Rounds