Join an online reading group with Dharma Realm Buddhist University faculty. Using the DRBU discussion method of shared inquiry, we will approach a text from DRBU’s curriculum which spans Asian and Western philosophy and literature.
What is shared inquiry?
At DRBU, the classroom is not a place for the professor to lecture truths. It’s a supported and grounded space for students to explore, wonder, and develop a refined sense of knowing things for and through themselves.
We don’t ask students to merely interpret the text and share their thoughts. Instead the reading and discussing are a process for transformation—a method of examining our opinions, ideas, identities, and then to change.
Come get a taste of it!
Each reading group will be limited in size to allow for deep discussion, and led by a DRBU faculty member. Participants will be emailed a copy of the reading one week in advance of the reading group time. Come having read ahead of time and ready to discuss!