Join an online reading group with DRBU. Using the shared inquiry discussion method, we'll look at a few translations of two classic texts.

How do different translations have a different impact on the reader? What is the role of accuracy and literary style?

In this shared inquiry discussion group, we’ll look at different translations of a classic Chinese and a Buddhist text with an eye to how each of the translations convey meaning differently.

Experience with Classical Chinese is not required.

Reading as Transformation

At DRBU, the classroom is not a place for the professor to simply lecture truths. It’s a supported and grounded space for students to explore, wonder, and develop a refined sense of knowing things for and through themselves.

We don’t ask students to merely interpret the text and share their thoughts. Instead the reading and discussing are a process for transformation—a method of examining our opinions, ideas, identities, and then to change. Learn more about our pedagogy.