Etegami: The Art of Japanese Postcard Painting
Ukiah, CA 95482
Arts Workshop with artist Ema Kubo

The workshop will introduce the Japanese folk art, etegami (literally translated as “picture letter”), and Japanese brush painting. Etegami consist of simple components on a postcard: a painted image using black sumi ink, water-based paints for color, and a brief phrase to the intended recipient. Etegami follow the motto “clumsy is fine, clumsy is best” (“heta de ii, heta ga ii”); wobbly lines and imperfections are part of the aesthetic. They are painted without an underdrawing, directly observed from life rather than from photos. They are a relaxed yet heartfelt and expressive way to send a note to a friend.
During the workshop there will first be a brief talk explaining the background and materials used for etegami, followed by a demonstration. The remaining time will be hands-on creating your own etegami.
We hope to see you there!
To register for the workshop, complete the form: https://forms.gle/